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[Whitepaper] The Future of Frequency Capping in Privacy-Centric Digital Advertising
Over the past two years, the entire advertising industry has been lively discussing the impending deprecation of third-party cookies and its implications for each side of the ecosystem. There are countless articles outlining the general concept of Google’s Privacy Sandbox and its alternatives, as well as assumptions on what will happen to the industry as a whole. However, when it comes to frequency capping – one of the most important tools for both publishers and advertisers, and arguably the least controversial one privacy-wise – there is not enough media coverage, apart from some calls to address the topic.
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Challenges in Current Branding Campaigns
Although branding campaigns are usually conducted on a large scale, still the key element determining their success is reaching the target group effectively. It is therefore extremely important to properly define the audience and then choose the marketing channels that allow you to reach them in the most effective way.
It is also worth reaching for technology that can significantly facilitate the task and help to use the budget most effectively. What do you need to remember when planning a branding campaign?
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Targeted Advertising after Cookies – New Approaches for Some Old Strategies
Targeted ads have come under fire for the past few years due to a toxic combination of privacy concerns, and the potential for abuse during democractic elections. While targeted ads can help us find products that we’ll love, the seemingly magical way that they can predict what we want has unsettled many consumers, and led to very real concerns about how our data is collected and used, and thus the rise of the cookieless future.
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Digital Advertising and the Empowered Consumer in Latin America
The profound changes in consumer behavior that have swept the world in the last couple of years have also had distinctive local features. Cultural differences, penetration of technology, and the unique strategies of individual media players have all contributed. Nowhere is this more evident than in Latin America.
To get a sense of how campaigns will look in 2022 and what’s in store for the future of advertising, we talked to David Abad, Digital Strategy Manager at Mediacom, Colombia. We asked him to set out the key trends he sees in consumer behavior and what that means for the brands and agencies targeting them in the years ahead.
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How Do You Increase Brand Visibility?
Do you want your brand to be seen by your potential customers? Sharing different types of content on the Internet is one thing, but actually being visible to users is another. How can you increase brand visibility and distinguish your marketing efforts from competitor’s campaigns? By building brand visibility with exceptional video ads.
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Can we have your attention, please!
Brand messaging is not an exact science – but still many campaigns fail to meet their objectives despite the presence of strong creatives.
For an expert perspective on the most important considerations when designing effective creatives we asked Valeriia Filonich, Digital and e-Commerce Manager at Sisley Paris to outline some of the processes that can be put in place to maximise the chances of success.