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Deep Learning Leads to Ultra-precise Personalization
RTB House, a global company providing state-of-the-art retargeting technology, introduces new features to recommendations for targeted ads. The solution leverages deep learning (currently the most promising subfield of artificial intelligence-oriented research), in display advertising to achieve more accurate product recommendations, making personalized retargeting up to 50% more efficient.
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RTB House consolidates competitive position in Spain, Portugal, and Benelux with new appointments
RTB House has appointed two new Country Managers in Western Europe, a move expected to strengthen its position as a leading retargeting service provider in Spain, Portugal and Benelux. The move has been taken due to high predicted growth in the region, with programmatic spending predicted to rise by 169% in Spain, 440% in Portugal, 116% in Belgium and 53% in the Netherlands over a four-year period (2015 to 2019), as shown in June 2016 edition of Magna Global Report.
As Country Manager, Monica Ibarbia will coordinate operations in Spain and Portugal, while Cyril Westerhof will manage activities in Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg).
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RTB House Strengthens Competitive Position in Spain, Portugal, and Benelux
RTB House – a tech company specializing in sophisticated retargeting scenarios and operating worldwide – has appointed two new Country Managers in Western Europe. The move is expected to strengthen its position in Spain, Portugal and Benelux as a leading retargeting service provider. As Country Managers, Monica Ibarbia will coordinate operations in Spain and Portugal, while Cyril Westerhof manages activities in Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg).
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RTB House Reaches Singapore
RTB House, a tech company specializing in sophisticated retargeting scenarios with operations worldwide, has entered Singapore – company’s first subsidiary and fifth market in APAC region (following Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Taiwan). This comes as a result of expansion to Asia that began in the last quarter of 2015. All operations in Singapore will be carried out under Chandra Kuncara, Country Director at RTB House.
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RTB House launches in Dubai, the Middle East and Africa!
RTB House, a technology company specializing in retargeting scenarios, is increasing its worldwide footprint in the Middle East and the Africa region (MEA), with a brand-new branch in Dubai. The region will be led by Shady Francis, who has joined RTB House as Business Development Director.
Despite the digital ad market in the region being smaller than some of its global counterparts, internet usage and mobile saturation has grown rapidly. MEA now represents one of the freshest and highest opportunity markets for growing technology companies like RTB House.
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Tomasz Wnuk at RTB House
Tomasz Wnuk, previously at the post of Managing Director CEE at Integer.pl, has started his cooperation with RTB House – a tech company specialising in advertising activities based on advanced retargeting scenarios and operating worldwide. He has assumed a newly created position of Commercial Head of Global Deals.
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