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How Can You Select the Right Advertising Model for Your Retargeting, and Branding Campaigns?
The hardest part of business is not usually envisioning where you want to be, it’s implementing a plan of action in logical and effective steps in order to get there. When we’re making plans, these steps will inevitably include a Deep Learning powered retargeting campaign, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Instead, Let’s start with a simple statement:
“We want to increase online sales”.There are many ways that you might do, such as; improving your online store’s UI and UX, increasing product range, and running promotions. However, the most likely solution is digital ad campaigns. So, you can add focus to your original statement by saying:
“We need to run digital ad campaigns to increase online sales”.Many companies make a couple of missteps at this point by trying to skip to the end or doing things out of sequence. Here’s a simple breakdown of the questions you need to ask… and the order in which you ask them while evaluating your advertising model options.
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Understanding the Next Leap Forward in Marketing Technology: Deep Learning
From the printing press to Deep Learning, the history of marketing shadows all our great leaps forward in communications technology. It is the marketer’s job to identify how these novel technologies can be used to reach potential customers, and educate them about products and services that enrich their lives.
The printing press let us create posters, radio and television enabled us to speak to people in their homes, and the internet gave us new ways to sell to people. Today, we’d like to take a moment to dive into how marketers can take advantage of the next big leap forward in technology: Deep Learning.
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How to Use Retargeting to Maximize the Value of the Zero Moment of Truth
In an environment where customers have countless ways to engage with a product before purchasing, we need to rethink how we approach marketing activities. To achieve this, marketers often use a concept coined by Google called the “Zero Moment of Truth” (ZMOT). This represents the moment when customers engage with a product or service online before they make any commitments to purchase it.
Making the most of ZMOT is the key to a successful marketing strategy, particularly regarding retargeting, and this article will help you understand how to do just that.
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Should I Run Incrementality Tests to Validate a Retargeting Campaign?
Retargeting is one of the most powerful marketing tools in any brand’s arsenal, but building an effective retargeting campaign is as much an art as it is a science. To maximize the effect of their retargeting campaign, clients naturally want data that proves a retargeting provider is worth their salt. To do this, many companies rely on incrementality testing.
This makes sense, as incrementality testing is considered the gold standard for good reason. However, they are not a catch-all solution. They aren’t cheap to run, and without a dedicated analytics team to interpret the results, companies can end up spending money on a test they can’t interpret.
Let’s take a deep dive into incrementality testing, see how it works, and what you need to run one.
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AI vs. Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning in Advertising
People are bombarded with thousands of ads every day, both offline and online. With the growing popularity of ad-blocking, it’s clear that they are looking for ways to reduce the number of ads shown. One of the big challenges is that most of this ad content is irrelevant to users. This article will explain how AI technology can help advertisers to deal with it and to improve campaign performance with more precise targeting through Deep Learning.
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Retargeting vs. Remarketing: Are They Really the Same?
CPMs, CTRs, and AIDA. The marketing world is rife with arcane acronyms, seemingly impenetrable jargon, and even seemingly straightforward terms can have nuanced meanings. There’s no better example of this than remarketing and retargeting, both terms are often used interchangeably, even by seasoned marketing professionals, but there are subtle differences that can make the difference in the success of your marketing campaigns.
Today, we’ll dive into the differences between remarketing vs. retargeting and shed some light on one of the big questions of the marketing world.