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Deep Learning Powered Retargeting Can Boost Own-Site Sales For Electronics Brands
How can Deep Learning boost own-site sales for electronics brands?
- There are a number of challenges that electronics brands face when encouraging customers to use own-site channels.
- The first is the popularity of comparison sites, that typically push customers into a “price-first” mindset.
- The second is the fact that telecoms providers typically provide a phone as part of their subscription contract.
- This means that electronics manufacturers are forced to take a loss paying a commission to third-party sales platforms, when they could increase their margins through sites they own and operate.
- To promote own-site sales, electronics manufacturers must showcase the benefits of a direct purchase, including improved warranties and customer support.
- Deep Learning powered marketing techniques make it possible to target users most likely to be receptive to this message, maximizing the impact of each campaign.
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Apple’s Double Trouble, Privacy Sandbox Progresses, AWS Clean Rooms, and other news
In this Media Review, we bring together 5 stories, including Apple facing a new lawsuit over its data collection practices, the Privacy Sandbox expansion for web testing in 2023, and the EU’s Digital Services Act entering into force.
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The Future of Shopping Malls: An American Retail Evolution
Austrian architect Victor Gruen came to America during World War Two with an inspired vision. So inspired, in fact, that he went on to design and build something that would define American culture for the next century. Something beautiful and grand, but which the analysts tell us is now dying: The Great American Shopping Mall.
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Targeted Advertising after Cookies – New Approaches for Some Old Strategies
Targeted ads have come under fire for the past few years due to a toxic combination of privacy concerns, and the potential for abuse during democractic elections. While targeted ads can help us find products that we’ll love, the seemingly magical way that they can predict what we want has unsettled many consumers, and led to very real concerns about how our data is collected and used, and thus the rise of the cookieless future.
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Classified Ads and Their Journey Through Time
Do you want to scale up your classified listings and push through the monumental competition that’s building? Sharing listings is one thing, but actually capitalizing on the marketing technologies available is another. How can you increase visibility and distinguish your marketing efforts from the competitors’ campaigns when it comes to classified ads? Marketing technology may just hold the key.
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Grow Your Brand in the Open Web without Cookies
Have you ever downloaded the data Facebook has on you? Or Google? The sheer breadth of data collection has 86% of consumers worried, and this has led to a number of users leaving data-hungry social media platforms. It has also forced organizations like Google to do some soul-searching and adjust their approach to user data, notably by retiring third-party cookies.