White paper

Home & Garden White Paper Series | Volume 4

Your window on creatives. The importance of best-in-class campaign visuals in home & garden. Our six-volume white paper series explores pivotal home & garden ecommerce challenges and pairs them with proven strategies to bolster sales. Only the agile can win the privilege of helping people improve their homes and gardens. Volume 4 looks at creatives—all-important if you want to place your products in the best possible light. Because beautiful, best-in-class creatives can catch the attention and hold it. They inspire interest, trust in your brand, and sales.

In white paper volume 4:
  • The impact of visuals on brand identity and consumer engagement.
  • The key benefits of best-in-class creatives.
  • Strategies for getting the most out of your creatives.
  • A helpful quickfire ad partner checklist.


pages of useful insights on creatives


benefits of best-in-class visuals


strategies to supercharge your ads

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