
Turbo-charged campaigns for the automotive industry

There’s a need to step on the gas when it comes to driving the full value of ecommerce. But how to balance innovation with consistency of brand all while leveraging online advertising to better serve customers?

Trusted by leading automotive brands

Audi SF logotype
Honda logotype
mercedes logotype
Nissan logotype
Audi SF logotype
Honda logotype
mercedes logotype
Nissan logotype

Delivering results for automotive brands worldwide

At RTB House, our teams are built around industries, with dedicated experts who mix tested solutions with innovations in specific verticals. With the help of Deep Learning, we get straight to the heart of the matter, so that your ad campaigns can capture the hearts of customers.


average reach for awareness campaigns


click-through rate


video viewability

Average stats for RTB House campaigns within the automotive industry


All industries play by different rules but they all have one thing in common: strong competition. The Automotive sector is no exception. But, gaining visibility from ad campaigns shouldn’t mean burning through budget. The most successful online businesses look at the return on ad spend, and effectiveness is the key metric.

At RTB House, our proprietary Deep Learning algorithms are able to build unique customer journeys, with hyper-personalized creatives adjusted to a user’s preferences, so you can spend less money connecting with more high-quality prospects.


Deep Learning in automotive. Rising to your challenge

Precisely map the customer journey

Closely monitor micro-conversions to access the effectiveness of every touchpoint.

Know buyers better

Build audiences in real-time and add levels of granularity to campaigns to better understand customers and anticipate their needs.

Ramp up revenue

Reach the most valuable Buyers in the golden moment of consideration with the most personalized offers.


Find out what’s relevant
for your industry

Ads that inspire buyer confidence in your brand.


Inspiration from your industry

Check out active RTB House ad campaigns that are super-charging results for businesses like yours.


Take a deeper dive

We believe in the Open Internet and in sharing knowledge. Check out our industry reports and content that can empower your online and offline business.

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Let's talk about creating
something exceptional
for your customers