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Top 5 Digital Advertising News from 2021
2021 was a year full of important news for the future of digital advertising. Let’s take a look at the most impactful 2021 digital advertising trends from the industry perspective.
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Privacy Sandbox, FLEDGE & Header-bidding, Google Analytics
In this Media Review, we describe Google’s announcement on the Single Origin Trial, Google’s Header Bidding, considerations about FLEDGE, and Tim Cook’s call for a federal data privacy law.
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Privacy Sandbox for CTV, Apple’s PCM and SKAdNetwork 4.0, and more
In this Media Review, we describe the most important findings from the 2022 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, the status of Google’s preparations for disabling third-party cookies, Apple’s updates in its SKAdNetwork documentation that change the game for mobile ad-tech, and more.
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Will GPP Be a TCF 2.0, Privacy Sandbox Trials for Android, and More
In this media review you can read about the new ways publishers can manage first-party data, the Global Privacy Platform from IAB Tech Lab, the Privacy Sandbox Trials for Android, and more.
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Early FLEDGE Tests, New Tools by Google, Privacy Sandbox Gains Momentum
In this Media Review, we present 3 stories from the last month, including the gaining momentum of the Privacy Sandbox, analyzing why the number of entities that tested FLEDGE was so small, and the newly launched tools from Google.
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RTB House Update on FLEDGE Tests
As a leading buy-side platform, RTB House has been involved in the development of the Privacy Sandbox ever since its announcement. Being highly experienced in retargeting, we put particular emphasis on FLEDGE. This proposal has been in preparation for years now and has been available for testing in Chrome since April 2022.
We already shared our initial findings from the experiments in a previous article. It covered the availability of the elements for testing, our setups, and the initial results.
In this article, we would like to provide an update on the status of both the market and RTB House as of the end of January, give more insights and results, and share our perspective on the future testing and implementation phases.