Branding Versus Performance: How BMW Tackles its Dual Marketing Challenges
A globally-recognized brand like BMW is hugely valuable, yet the company still has to sell product to survive. Group Marketing Director Marie Dellbrant reveals how she balances these twin demands and manages creatives on either side.
Navigating Campaign Reporting Success in a Cookieless Era
Digital advertising has come a long way. From direct deals between brands and publishers to the extensive ecosystem that we operate in now. As did marketing campaign reporting.
Should I Be Using Multiple Retargeting Providers?
We’ve previously discussed why retargeting should play an important role in any marketing campaign, and today, we’d like to discuss one of the biggest retargeting myths: That a single provider is better than multiple retargeting providers.
The argument about whether you should use a multiple or singular retargeting strategy, is the source of many “spirited” discussions amongst the more geeky circles at marketing conventions, especially once the drinks start flowing at the post-convention parties.
The Retargeting Statistics All Marketers Need to Track to Optimize Their Campaigns in 2023
Any seasoned marketer will happily tell you that retargeting is one of the best ways to engage with potential customers on the open web. The approach allows you to find and connect with people who have previously shown interest and is a powerful tool when used correctly. But how do you measure and optimize a retargeting campaign? Well, that’s where the real fun starts—we use retargeting statistics.