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Does Retargeting Still Work In 2022?
If you’ve landed here, you’re probably one of many professionals trying to answer the question: is retargeting effective? You might even be asking yourself whether retargeting is dead. Marketers have been worried about the viability of retargeting for some time, and many believe that the elimination of third-party tracking cookies could be the final nail in the coffin for retargeting as a strategy.
This article will help you understand whether retargeting has a place in your marketing playbook, and if so, how you can most effectively leverage a strategy that will work now, and in the cookieless future.
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Will the cookieless future kill personalized ads?
The end of third-party tracking cookies is on the horizon, but it’s not as bad as you might think. Despite concerns from some advertisers that losing third-party cookies will make it impossible to deliver personalized advertising, there are already a number of effective solutions in the works to ensure that users can still enjoy relevant ads, without any privacy fears.
Let’s take a quick dive into why third-party tracking cookies are being retired, what that means for your advertising strategy, and why it’s actually a good thing for both customers and advertisers.
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Understanding the Next Leap Forward in Marketing Technology: Deep Learning
From the printing press to Deep Learning, the history of marketing shadows all our great leaps forward in communications technology. It is the marketer’s job to identify how these novel technologies can be used to reach potential customers, and educate them about products and services that enrich their lives.
The printing press let us create posters, radio and television enabled us to speak to people in their homes, and the internet gave us new ways to sell to people. Today, we’d like to take a moment to dive into how marketers can take advantage of the next big leap forward in technology: Deep Learning.
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Grow Your Brand in the Open Web without Cookies
Have you ever downloaded the data Facebook has on you? Or Google? The sheer breadth of data collection has 86% of consumers worried, and this has led to a number of users leaving data-hungry social media platforms. It has also forced organizations like Google to do some soul-searching and adjust their approach to user data, notably by retiring third-party cookies.
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[WHITEPAPER] Deep Insights From Early Fledge Trials
In 2023 Google announced the depreciation of third-party cookies and began the development of the Google Privacy Sandbox. However, the deadline has once again been pushed back, this time to 2025]. The reason? “The need for more time to evaluate and test the new technologies.” Despite positive developments, RTB House’s own tests of the FLEDGE proposal, with nearly 8 million ads in 50 countries, have shown that there is still plenty of work to be done to build effective cookieless alternatives.
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How Brands Can Leverage MarTech Advances to Kick off 2023 with a Sales Bump
As a new year dawns, many of us are looking toward 2023 with trepidation. A potent cocktail of skyrocketing inflation, a looming recession, and general global instability has created a difficult environment for companies in almost every industry. However, things aren’t as bad as they seem, and if companies can take advantage of the evolving MarTech trends, they can thrive despite the adversity.