Neiman Marcus Exceeds Holiday Season Goals by Over 60%

Luxury fashion retailer increases campaign conversion rate by 20% with RTB House.

Neiman Marcus logotype
fashion icon


increase in conversion rate


net uplift in incremental sales revenue


About the client

Neiman Marcus is an industry-leading luxury retailer that is dynamically developing omnichannel strategies to support a shift towards ecommerce. The company’s ecommerce stores currently attract over 12 million customers every month.

In order to maximize the potential of its digital sales channel, Neiman Marcus is constantly striving to improve the efficiency of its digital marketing efforts. To this end, in August 2021, the company gave RTB House an opportunity to earn an exclusive partnership as Neiman Marcus’ retargeting solution provider.

What they say about us

“After proving strong incremental campaign performance, RTB House has become our preferred retargeting partner.”

Marketing Executive

Neiman Marcus


The challenge

The biggest challenge for any online marketing campaign is scale, while not compromising too much on ROAS. Even a relatively minor increase in ROAS can make a significant difference when running a high-spend campaign.

Neiman Marcus was interested in seeing how RTB House could deliver a significant increase in incremental ROAS (iROAS) while maximizing the scale of transaction events (the chosen conversion metric). RTB House needed to develop a methodology that could quantify the impact of its retargeting solution on Neiman Marcus’ bottom line, and thus convince the retailer to consider expanding the partnership.


The solution

RTB House worked closely with the Neiman Marcus team from the outset to identify key performance targets for the campaign audience. This information allowed us to craft a campaign that combined intelligent targeting and world-class creatives to drive incremental sales.

Throughout the campaign, Deep Learning algorithms optimized this strategy to maximize both ROAS and conversions. RTB House also conducted an incrementality test to measure further lift and determine the overall impact of the campaign.


The result

RTB House was able to meet ambitious targets and measure efficacy through an uplift study.

In total, the campaign generated:

  • 65% higher iROAS than the target
  • 26% net uplift in incremental sales revenue
  • 20% increase in conversion rate

The resulting positive impact on site-wide sales convinced Neiman Marcus to enter into an exclusive partnership with RTB House for the Q4 2021 Holiday Season and beyond.