Łukasz Włodarczyk contributes to IAB Europe’s update guide

In early March, the European arm of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, IAB Europe, released the latest update to their Post Third-Party Cookie Era guide.

Last Updated:

Google Chrome has delayed the dismissal of its third-party cookies, and associated information, until 2023, affording firms previously reliant on such data with additional time to modify their approach.  

As such, the guide has been designed to inform brands, agencies, publishers, and tech intermediaries of the forthcoming changes and present alternative options for life post-cookies. 

To do this, IAB Europe recruited some of the foremost experts in digital advertising to contribute, including RTB House’s Łukasz Włodarczyk, who acts as our VP of Programmatic Ecosystem Growth & Innovation.

Łukasz has played a pivotal role in positioning RTB House as a global leader in cookieless advertising and offers a vast amount of knowledge in this area. 

To read the full guide from IAB Europe, click here.