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AI vs. Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning in Advertising
People are bombarded with thousands of ads every day, both offline and online. With the growing popularity of ad-blocking, it’s clear that they are looking for ways to reduce the number of ads shown. One of the big challenges is that most of this ad content is irrelevant to users. This article will explain how AI technology can help advertisers to deal with it and to improve campaign performance with more precise targeting through Deep Learning.
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Apple’s Double Trouble, Privacy Sandbox Progresses, AWS Clean Rooms, and other news
In this Media Review, we bring together 5 stories, including Apple facing a new lawsuit over its data collection practices, the Privacy Sandbox expansion for web testing in 2023, and the EU’s Digital Services Act entering into force.
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Targeted Advertising after Cookies – New Approaches for Some Old Strategies
Targeted ads have come under fire for the past few years due to a toxic combination of privacy concerns, and the potential for abuse during democractic elections. While targeted ads can help us find products that we’ll love, the seemingly magical way that they can predict what we want has unsettled many consumers, and led to very real concerns about how our data is collected and used, and thus the rise of the cookieless future.
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Meta’s Regulatory Struggles, DMA’s Effect, First-Party Sets, and Others
In this Media Review, we bring together 5 stories, including accusations against Meta for using ad-related data to harm the competition, Apple’s allowance for outside app stores on its phones, and Google sharing its First Party Sets (FPS) concepts as ready for testing.
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RTB House’s View on Bidding and Auction Services and the Recent Timeline Updates for FLEDGE Elements
Google has released an article announcing the availability of Bidding and Auction services in the web version of FLEDGE, as well as the status on pending FLEDGE capabilities. These two Google releases could have a major impact on the adoption of FLEDGE in the near future.
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RTB House Update on FLEDGE Tests
As a leading buy-side platform, RTB House has been involved in the development of the Privacy Sandbox ever since its announcement. Being highly experienced in retargeting, we put particular emphasis on FLEDGE. This proposal has been in preparation for years now and has been available for testing in Chrome since April 2022.
We already shared our initial findings from the experiments in a previous article. It covered the availability of the elements for testing, our setups, and the initial results.
In this article, we would like to provide an update on the status of both the market and RTB House as of the end of January, give more insights and results, and share our perspective on the future testing and implementation phases.