Articles written by Kacper Polewiak
- Published:
Privacy Sandbox, FLEDGE & Header-bidding, Google Analytics
In this Media Review, we describe Google’s announcement on the Single Origin Trial, Google’s Header Bidding, considerations about FLEDGE, and Tim Cook’s call for a federal data privacy law.
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Privacy Sandbox for CTV, Apple’s PCM and SKAdNetwork 4.0, and more
In this Media Review, we describe the most important findings from the 2022 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, the status of Google’s preparations for disabling third-party cookies, Apple’s updates in its SKAdNetwork documentation that change the game for mobile ad-tech, and more.
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Will GPP Be a TCF 2.0, Privacy Sandbox Trials for Android, and More
In this media review you can read about the new ways publishers can manage first-party data, the Global Privacy Platform from IAB Tech Lab, the Privacy Sandbox Trials for Android, and more.
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Early FLEDGE Tests, New Tools by Google, Privacy Sandbox Gains Momentum
In this Media Review, we present 3 stories from the last month, including the gaining momentum of the Privacy Sandbox, analyzing why the number of entities that tested FLEDGE was so small, and the newly launched tools from Google.
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Meta’s Regulatory Struggles, DMA’s Effect, First-Party Sets, and Others
In this Media Review, we bring together 5 stories, including accusations against Meta for using ad-related data to harm the competition, Apple’s allowance for outside app stores on its phones, and Google sharing its First Party Sets (FPS) concepts as ready for testing.
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TCF Action Freeze, Big Tech Antitrust Update, SDA Buy-Side Analysis, and Other News
In this Media Review, you can read 6 stories, including big tech antitrust update, Meta letting users opt out of some targeted ads (and only in selected countries), and ramping the FLEDGE origin trial back up and launching isolated experiments.